Pastor Tim Hamner Sr

Inspire, Encourage, Enlighten, Empower

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Trained and Favored (Proverbs 22:6; 18:22)

The fifth of ten children, Timothy Hamner, Sr. was born in Cincinnati, Ohio to Deacon Dr. John and Lady Mae Hamner. He served faithfully at the House of God in Cincinnati under the late Dr. F. C. Scott. Pastor Tim relocated to Oakland in 1989 and served at Yahweh’s House of God. He has been married to Angelique Nobles for nearly 30 years. He and First Lady Angel are proud parents to three wonderful children: Timothy, Jr, Ariane, and Tyler. Both, those who have known him for several decades, as well as those who recently met him, can attest to his effervescent personality. That personality has proven to be the cylinder that galvanizes or awakens the gifts in others. His “can do” approach to circumstances and challenges have always seem to result in his training the trainer in others.
And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding. — Jeremiah 3:15 KJV

An Inevitable Call to Ministry

When Pastor Tim relocated to California’s Bay Area in 1989, it was without even a faint desire to become pastor. He accepted the call to ministry and was ordained as a deacon under the tutelage of his paternal uncle, Apostle Larry C. Hamner, of Yahweh’s House of God Church in Oakland, CA. He served faithfully for many years holding multiple offices, such as: the church Deacon, Minister, Elder, and Vicar. He was selected as the Assistant Pastor in July 2012 where he served loyally until his current pastor, Apostle Larry C. Hamner, retired. He was subsequently ordained Bishop during the centennial convocation in 2019.

Faithful Worker

Bishop Hamner has been a life-long member of the House of God Hebrew-Pentecostal Church organization. He has served the national church in various capacities and departments, including but not limited to the local Sabbath School, Deacon Board, local Board of Directors Chairman, California State Treasurer, California State Sabbath School Superintendent, California State Deacon, Pacific Coast District Treasurer, Pacific Coast Assistant Divisional Superintendent, National Assistant Sabbath School Superintendent, and National Board of Directors member. Bishop is the founder and visionary of the National House of God Media Ministry and web site development.


Secular Vocation

Pastor Tim has been blessed to have been a successful entrepreneur, managing and operating both a recording label and technology consulting business. His technological experience has afforded him to work in companies such as Wells Fargo Bank, Bank of America Securities, Sony Music Entertainment, Beats by Dr. Dre-Beats Music, Apple and Samba TV.

With a consistent heart, Pastor Tim has always had compassion and empathy for people everywhere. He is viewed to have a perfect application of God’s affirmation, “My House will be called an house of prayer for all people.” (Isaiah 56:7c KJV). His goal for the ministry is to introduce as many as would hear the message of Jesus Christ and the pardon of their sins.